聖山教育 - 楊緒東專欄
作者 台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東醫師   


董事長 楊緒東



20120311 告別核電大遊行,點擊上圖可看更多照片

反核團體已經是世界性連線的組織,就是最缺乏資金的國家,如北韓、蘇聯皆受到世界性反核組織的杯葛,要把核廢料運到他國談何容易,所以自理核廢料成為不得不然的無奈。此乃因為核廢料不易被吸收消化,與自然環境無法相容,凡核廢料存放區就成為很難以再運用的廢地,世界性環保團體不斷昇高反核力量,形成一種具有阻擋政府壓力的集體動力,故 台灣若一意孤行興建核四,在未來會遭受到世界性聯盟的具體反核力量。



Russian green protest against N-waste bill

Feb. 20, 2001 ---

Environment activists from across Russia gathered outside parliament on Monday to protest a bill that would allow the government to import nuclear waste for profit.

The bill would allow Russia to accept spent nuclear fuel from other countries for processing or storage. Proponents argue that it would allow Russia to earn billions of U.S. dollars, and solve many of the country's economic problems.

Opponents argue that the risk of contamination is made even higher by Russia's spotty nuclear safety record.

The bill“can only be described as a national humiliation,”said Igor Artemyev, a member of parliament's liberal Yabloko faction, which organized the rally.

“The country … will be turned into the world's nuclear waste dump,”Artemyev told a news conference.

The bill received tentative approval in December in the lower house of parliament, the State Duma. It needs to pass two more readings in the Duma, be approved by the upper chamber and be signed by President Vladimir Putin to become law.

The dozens of environmental activists lined up outside the Duma came from some 20 Russian regions, the rally organizers said.

“People's health is more valuable than profit,”read one poster. Another read: "Mr. President, show will and courage --- stop the insanity of the State Duma, don't allow Russia to be turned into a nuclear waste dump.”

現在由於歐洲各國除了共產國家,皆已經不再興建此類核電廠,而共產國家發展核電,是屬於戰略需要與取得核廢再製的方便,以便發展核子飛 彈,與民意毫無相關,而落後的亞洲國家發展核電,則是政治方便的互利,與電力夠不夠用亦沾不上邊,台灣核電、日本核電、南韓核電皆歸列於政治互益的因素, 在無法自製核彈的壓力下,核廢料成為最燙手的問題,到現在還會努力興建核電廠的民主國家,大概就只有“中華民國在台灣”,此亦是台灣的核電奇蹟。


公共電視 我們的島 【核四你好嗎?】心得筆記
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核二廠螺栓斷裂異常危 險(劉黎兒)

台殤(二)台灣現況 挾洋自重 共創新局-自評
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