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2007年3月1日-三立新聞-二二八走過ㄧ甲子 by SFLIN
228事件第一個被武力鎮壓的地方─高雄,彭孟緝設計殺害談判代表。一聲格殺令,多少孤兒淚............(時間00:18:22 大小30.5MB)

2007年02月28日-三立新聞-二二八走過ㄧ甲子 by SFLIN
228死傷最慘重之役─嘉義水上機場。嘉義青年不分男女團結抗暴,和談使者陳澄波成槍下寃魂;宜蘭媽祖廟活埋事件,16歲少年被迫活埋自己同胞 ........(時間00:23:40

2007年02月27日-三立新聞-二二八走過ㄧ甲子 by SFLIN
228事件碼頭屠殺血染基隆港,林木杞老先生死裏逃生現身說法。至愛冤死60年過去傷痛何曾稍解? (時間00:16:28 大小27.4MB)

2007年3月2日-三立新聞-二二八走過ㄧ甲子 by SFLIN
228事件引爆地台北城,屍橫遍野,菁英大殞落。60年後的省思─傷口的癒合,猶待正義伸張!........(時間00:27:28 大小45.7MB)


2007年02月26日-三立新聞-二二八走過ㄧ甲子 by SFLIN
混亂的一年四個月,傷痛悽涼60年。228始末 (時間00:25:12 大小41.9MB)

file icon 抗議NCC強盜兼判官hot! 12/22/2006 下載數: 2190

2006年12月14日下午2點,台灣人民集結怒吼,抗議月領數十萬人民血汗錢,卻執行消滅台灣在地聲音的違憲、違法的(NCC)"國家通訊傳播委員會"。要求主委蘇永欽下台、解散NCC偽組織。(時間00:01:47 大小3.42MB)

file icon Red terror in Ma's governmenthot! 12/31/2008 下載數: 2099

Producer:Liar Ma
Translator:Wendy W. Yang and Leo Wang

At Taiwan, China's "People's Armed Police," with clubs and riot shields in hand without any mercy frantically beating unarmed and bleeding people who are willing to sacrifice their lives. These people are precisely whom the KMT administration, in control of TV and news media, labels as "violent agitators."

It's precisely these "violent agitators," through their bleeding, and sacrificing of their lives, Taiwan can dissolve the "Ten-Thousand-Year Republic Representatives" (lifetime senators), lift the Martial Law, end the White Terror, and liberalize freedom of assembly, association, press, democracy, human rights, speech, and the right to directly vote for presidency.

Today, China's "People's Armed Police" are implementing Martial Law at Taiwan, China's takeover of Taiwan is imminent. The pain and tragedy of the February 28th 1947 shall again, without discriminating between provencals and mainlanders, equally suffer tragic and ruthless ethnic cleansings and massacre!

(time: 00:16:05 size: 68.5MB)

file icon 王定宇專訪陳唐山hot! 04/20/2009 下載數: 2082
王定宇專訪陳唐山-民進黨台南縣長提名始末 (台灣海外網) 。

2009-04-17 第一手資料,統媒不會報,民進黨中央暗爽。


"不管台灣有多大,它的每一寸土地,都比我們人民的生命還珍貴。" !!! (時間00:01:06 大小4.24MB)

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