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file icon 每件皮草都殘酷hot! 04/25/2006 下載數: 1114

華麗的皮草怎麼來?中國實地拍攝。建議:剛吃飽不要看、心臟不夠強不要看!(時間00:16:11 大小28.3MB)

"不管台灣有多大,它的每一寸土地,都比我們人民的生命還珍貴。" !!! (時間00:01:06 大小4.24MB)

file icon 拜台灣神 , 落實台灣精神hot! 04/21/2006 下載數: 1062

非其鬼而祭之,諂也。台灣人當拜台灣神,天人一氣,無堅不摧。(時間00:04:21 大小8.28MB)

file icon 抗議NCC強盜兼判官hot! 12/22/2006 下載數: 2123

2006年12月14日下午2點,台灣人民集結怒吼,抗議月領數十萬人民血汗錢,卻執行消滅台灣在地聲音的違憲、違法的(NCC)"國家通訊傳播委員會"。要求主委蘇永欽下台、解散NCC偽組織。(時間00:01:47 大小3.42MB)


file icon 我們不是中華台北隊hot! 04/14/2006 下載數: 1144

2004國際奧運,台灣抬拳選手朱木炎、陳詩欣獲得兩面金牌。望著冉冉升起的中華台北隊旗,心中無限沉痛......;我們是唯一無法使用國旗國名的隊伍,我們是台灣隊,不是台北隊! (時間00:00:39 大小1.60MB)

file icon 台灣為何需建國hot! 04/20/2006 下載數: 1156

統一是啟動自毀程序、維持現狀是自欺;建國,是因為我們有更遠大的目標!(時間00:07:11 大小13.7MB)

file icon 反共保台救家園hot! 04/20/2006 下載數: 1201

在台中國黨依靠中國共產黨,以其統戰技倆企圖推翻台灣,台灣人如何自救? (時間00:06:52 大小13.0MB)

file icon Red terror in Ma's governmenthot! 12/31/2008 下載數: 1967

Producer:Liar Ma
Translator:Wendy W. Yang and Leo Wang

At Taiwan, China's "People's Armed Police," with clubs and riot shields in hand without any mercy frantically beating unarmed and bleeding people who are willing to sacrifice their lives. These people are precisely whom the KMT administration, in control of TV and news media, labels as "violent agitators."

It's precisely these "violent agitators," through their bleeding, and sacrificing of their lives, Taiwan can dissolve the "Ten-Thousand-Year Republic Representatives" (lifetime senators), lift the Martial Law, end the White Terror, and liberalize freedom of assembly, association, press, democracy, human rights, speech, and the right to directly vote for presidency.

Today, China's "People's Armed Police" are implementing Martial Law at Taiwan, China's takeover of Taiwan is imminent. The pain and tragedy of the February 28th 1947 shall again, without discriminating between provencals and mainlanders, equally suffer tragic and ruthless ethnic cleansings and massacre!

(time: 00:16:05 size: 68.5MB)

依照國際法台灣不屬於中國。高雄市長參選人林志昇於政見發表會上,依戰爭法降下中華民國流亡政府國旗,昇上美國台澎旗幟..... (時間00:08:24 大小34.3MB)

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