Millions to Inundate Tucheng
聖山教育 - 楊緒東專欄
作者 楊緒東 英譯:禪定   

Millions to Inundate Tucheng

The Taiwanese people’s president, Chen Shui-Bien, is currently enduring political oppressions of unprecedented magnitude. Those who are affiliated with him have, one by one, been arrested or detained by prosecutors and judges at the court; all are without protections under human rights or fair civil procedures. The prosecutors and judges, affectively kowtowing to the “red” boss’s wills, immediately detained and hold their interested targets, based on the arbitrary reason of “suspect for conspiracies.”

This fashion of randomly and arbitrarily arresting the officers that truly represented Taiwan’s sovereign interests and President Chen’s ideology has never been seen before. Taiwan has already entered the time of White Terror. The Taiwanese people must be prepare to REVOLT and to SACRIFICE LIVES. If we cannot overthrow the KMT’s Ma political authority, in the post-unification future, everyone of you will all become “political dissidents among the Red Tide.” Our children and children’s children will only be left with “the Path of DOOM.”

If the representative of the Taiwanese spirits and sovereignty, President Chen Shui-Bien, is about to be jailed into the Tucheng Detention Center without any legal justifications, we plead for the leaders of the Republic of Taiwan to collectively call for a rally of one million people to follow Chen Chui-Bien all the way into the Tucheng Detention Center. That day will be the beginning of the Taiwanese Civil War!

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