聖山日記 20151201(陳智雄遺書內容)
聖山教育 - 聖山紀事
作者 Nathan | 贊若   




【信封 Envlope】
遺書 Final Letter
交給羅東廣興白蓮寺  Please hand it to White Lotus Temple, Kuang Shing, Luodong
陳秀惠 樣 Chen Shui Hui
台北 陳智雄 Tan Ti-Hiong, Taipei

陳智雄之遺子姓名與地址 Tan Ti-Hiong's left children's name and address
長男 First son---TAN UI HUI 陳威惠
長女 First daughter---TAN GEH HONG 陳雅芳
次男 Second son---TAN DON NAM 陳東南
Address: Djalan Tembok 14 A. Bukit TiNggi Sumatra INDONESIA

遺書(*漢文/日文綜合) Final Letter (*Mandarin/Japanese combined)
陳秀惠 樣 Chen Shui Hui
1.請在台北火葬 Please cremate in Taipei.
2.另信待將來吳振南博士回台時,請交給他(吳博士現在日本)Another letter please hand it to Dr. Wu Zen Nan, when he come back Taiwan. (Dr. Wu is now in Japan.)
3.請說明我生前未能對父親行孝,死後在陰間再行孝,在地下與亡父一起會看顧你 Please describe I couldn't fulfill filial piety to my father in my lifetime, I will fulfill in spiritual world. Father and I will look after you in spiritual world.

吳振南博士 Dr. Wu Zen Nan
1.我是為台灣人而死 I died for Taiwanese people.
2.我有遺孤兒三人請先生多多照顧,均係天主教徒請你向上址調查即可明瞭 I have three left children, please look after them, they are all Catholic, check the address above and you will understand.
3.請向各位問候 Greeting to our fellows.
4.請先生多多支援我的妹妹,他為我已儘到最大力量。 Please help my younger sister more, she has done her best to help me.

一九六三年四月一日記事 陳智雄於台北 Tan Ti-Hiong, Taipei, April. 1, 1963


The footprint~台灣聖山仙蹤
台灣神陳智雄之女 Vonny Chen(陳雅芳)聖山巡禮
紀念台獨第一烈士陳智雄 就義50年記者會
紀念台獨第一烈士陳智雄 就義50年記者會後記

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