火急! 11日判決! - 扁案的風風雨雨
不吐不快 - 大家一起來
作者 陳辰光   


楊醫師緒東兄來信; Former Taiwan President Chen needs your help‏! 並附上阿扁手寫信件。



(1)     喊救扁或挺扁的人很多, 可是 沒有合理有效行動。

(2)     紅藍臥底也奏上熱鬧, 不放棄統戰技巧, 挑撥離間, 用扁議題將台灣人分成兩群; 挺扁和反扁的抗爭。早分化李團及陳隊, 自不待言, 也是受綠營支持的中國人論客成就。台灣人苦命。

(3)     臥底也難有 [完全犯罪的技巧], 必定有破綻; 台北有兩組 [建國], 即用 [建國當幌子], 都不是正港台灣人的在台中國人, 一組挺扁, 另一組反扁, 兩組未曾對立才是妙處; 我早就明言兩者都是臥底, 可是兩者各擁有不少綠營支持者, 頗受綠營轉送轉貼他們的謬論而沾沾自喜

(4)     臥底特徵是專鬧茶壺中風暴; 不做体制外運動, 不做海外告洋或出洋相工作; 因中國最怕 [台灣問題國際化] 。胡錦濤指令他們消滅海外烽火。

(5)     扁案的國際化只有兩個團隊正在進行;

 (a) 林志昇團隊早在2009813日訴送進美國最高法院,

 (b) TCRLO (護台灣人權訴訟組織) 也經由林志昇管道, 取得適當文獻, 以救扁為主軸進行 [提訴] 的行動。

(6)     扁案核心在 ROC in Exile 違犯了 [Due Process of Law 法律正] 的人權案。鬧其他的芝麻小事者, 正中臥底統戰的暗箭, 64年洗腦教育的中毒。

(7)     若有第三組人士, 超越喊口號的領域者, 盼望跟 (a) (b) 的組織互動為盼。我們不善[政治運作], 默默推動 [法理建國], 努力64年來的 [政治煉獄]

(8)     228事件, 228屠殺, 台灣大屠殺, 嚇勒苦死特Holocausts, 進一釋議完成The 228 Ethnic Cleansing 種族屠滅的論述, 加上2006年開始準備的TCRLO組織依美國法律完成,不僅替20萬柱228台灣神各各討回公道, 100萬家族蒙受相等痛苦也討回公道, 更延伸打擊ROC, KMT64年來的惡魔政策, 挖光台灣人財及其所作所為, 一一曝光, 一一繩之以法, 一一提訴, 一一伏法。

(9)     TCRLO的追The 228 Ethnic Cleansing的法律訴訟, 不僅是 [私案] 而擴張到 [整個台灣民族死活問題] ; 並徵求同志來共同努力。We have SF organization, and going to have New York organization soon!  We do things bylaw!   [種族屠滅] 的一面是殺人, 搶掠, 貪污... 其反面是赤腳吃丐搖身變了世界最富裕的不義之財; 中國國民党的血鮮党產。


如果, 您明大義, 不吃ROC in ExileEthnic Cleansing 種族屠滅的戰爭犯罪行為, [日本駐台大使, 齊藤正樹先生發列信件, 請他施[國際壓力], 阻止ROC in Exile的法院做出離譜笑話。有一點壓力就算一點, 比不做好!





E-mail: saito@mail.japan-taipei.org.tw,


Dear Honorable Chairman Saito:


The Japanese Governor-General of Formosa was modeled on the Office of French Overseas Territory. However, with the fixation on British Hong Kong and Taiwan, the British yardstick is more appropriate for comparisons with Taiwan under USMG.  In the pre-1997 case of a Crown Colony, Hong Kong was not a British Dominion.  After the 1867 Constitution Act, a colonial form of government in British North America created the prime minister and parliament who exercised real political power under the Governor-General.  After 1945, the Dominion of Canada gained international legal personality but remained a legal creature of Crown administrative authority.  The Canadian Governor-General does retain the right to an emergency exercise of "reserve powers". 


The ROC President is the equivalent of the Prime Minister but USMG has kept a right to exercise of emergency powers under TRA and SFPT.  In American Sector of Berlin, the US Ambassador to West German was also the US High Commissioner for Berlin. Those reserve powers were exercised in 1979 for US v Tiede.  Roger Lin has sworn affidavits from former ROC President Chen that the AIT Chairman has acted in a manner consistent with a High Commissioner for Taiwan under SFPT.  Any exiled government is the foreign policy instrument of the sponsoring government who recognized it; especially if sponsored by any hegemonic powers of geopolitics.  Is the AIT Chairman the "unofficial" High Commissioner of Taiwan?  Under the old Stimson policy of non-recognition, the Japanese puppet-state of Manchukuo (Manchuria) could not relieve Imperial Japan from the criminal acts of the proxy occupation of ROC Chinese territory after 1931.  FM 27-10 Laws of Land Warfare states:


366. Local Governments under Duress and Puppet Governments

The restrictions placed upon the authority of a belligerent government cannot be avoided by a system of using a puppet government, central or local, to carry out acts which would be unlawful if performed directly by the occupant. Acts induced or compelled by the occupant are nonetheless its acts.


The 2-28 Incident was unlawfully committed by ROC Chinese co-belligerents of the USMG principle occupational authority of Japan and its territorial dependencies. The putative ROC on Taiwan cannot avoid their responsibilities under a system of puppet government under a USMG-Taiwan system of government-in- exile on Taiwan.  Under SFPT, Japan cannot bring the KMT to justice but the terms of surrender by Japan do allow for it to protest the USMG system of proxy occupation of Formosa.  "Nonrecognition" does not relieve USMG under a system of nonhostile relations between belligerents and co-belligerents in the absence of a diplomatic relationship. 


See Par. 247 Definition of Protect Persons:


Persons protected by the Convention are those who, at a given moment and in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a Party to the conflict or Occupying Power of which they are not nationals.


Nationals of a State which is not bound by the Convention are not protected by it. Nationals of a neutral State, who find themselves in the territory of a belligerent State, and nationals of a co-belligerent State, shall not be regarded as protected persons while the State of which they are nationals has normal diplomatic representation in the State in whose hands they are.


The Occupying Power is USMG.  The unlawful acts of the ROC on Taiwan are the acts of the Occupying Power unless redress is instituted by it against recognized co-belligerent insurgents under Laws of War.  Ma Ying-jeou is a ROC national but Chen Shui-bian is not.


While not a Japanese national, Chen is a protected person under Law of Occupation for SFPT.  The system of dual courts was used by the USMG in Okinawa under SFPT Art. 3.


The US refuses to utilize the system of military commissions to redress the crimes of the KMT committed against (former) Japanese nationals of Formosa after 1947.  The USMG has reserved the right for emergency powers of judicial administrative authority in SFPT. This current situation shocks the conscience and public interest demands an exercise of redress in Art 4(a) & (b) of SFPT. 


Please use your good offices to press for the redress of the 2-28 Incident war crimes by the Occupying Power in SFPT.  The KMT era of White Terror has never been addressed by the USA.


Very Respectfully,


Jeff Geer


Taiwan Civil Rights Litigation Organization


This open private correspondence is protected under redress safe harbor of the Logan Act (18 USC 953).


參考: 謝鎮寬兄己有漢字版供參考; 請鼓勵親朋好友也送信為幸;






























葛傑夫 : 首席財務長: 台灣民權訴訟組織





台灣人沒有自己的媒体, 多轉送, 多轉貼

並感覺 驕傲, 光榮是愛台灣的第一步。

陳辰光 謹上 2009-09-06


Note: The above content is a reply e-mail message from 陳辰光 to Dr. Yang.

In return, Dr. Yang said

Dear sir/madam

We support and concern this care everyday that i thought something will happen at recent days , please wait and see.

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